T here are plenty of stylish and substantial gifts with small price tags. For less than £30 you can buy a really lovely copper stovetop espresso maker from The London Sip, a pair of Bluetooth earphones from Anker or a premium chilli-infused extra virgin olive oil in a fun designer bottle from Selfridges. If you want to stretch to £50, you could even buy someone a Tower air fryer, a pair of Coach earrings, a Le Creuset French press or really good little portable Sony speaker.

• This article contains affiliate links that can earn us revenue Under £30 Slip scrunchie ornament, £25, cultbeauty.co.uk 007 truffles, £18.

50, Charbonnel et Walker, fenwick.co.uk Bike light, £20, Knog, balfesbikes.

co.uk Marble candle holder, £34, Oyoy, heals.com Personalised leather purse, £27, rheamore.
