While the mainstream porn industry certainly has its flaws, that's not to say there aren't plenty of ethical porn sites you can turn to in order to elevate your solo sexy time. But if watching porn isn't exactly your thing, allow me to introduce you to the wonders of audio porn. Audio porn is a lot like regular porn, only without the visuals and with more emphasis on the sounds that come with sex.

Depending on the type of audio porn you're listening to, it can include ASMR sex , a sexy storyline, erotic sounds, and even guided masturbation . Not only is it a great, hands-free way to get aroused, but a lot of the audio porn options out there are designed specifically by women for women. Whether you're a first timer or already well acquainted with the genre of audio porn, trust me when I say, it's a porn category worth venturing into.

To get you started, here are the best audio porn apps and sites to try out right now. Jodie Slee is a psychosexual therapist. What Is Audio Porn? Audio porn is exactly what it sounds like: porn without the visuals.

Unlike regular porn, which is watched and streamed in a video, audio porn is something you listen to. It puts the emphasis exclusively on the sounds that come from sex — the moans, the dirty talk , the orgasms – which many people say is the best part of a sexual experience anyway. Audio porn allows you to "imagine yourself as part of the narrative," psychosexual therapist Jodie Slee says.

"The brain is the biggest erogenous zone , s.