Sunday, August 11, 2024 The Bahamas, an archipelago at the northwestern edge of the West Indies, has evolved from its colonial past under British rule to a thriving, independent nation within the Commonwealth since 1973. Its strategic geographical position not only shapes its historical significance but also amplifies its role in regional trade and tourism. As of August 2024, Bahamian citizens can travel to 161 countries visa-free, further enhancing its global connectivity and influence.

TTW Editor in Chief Mr. Anup Kumar Keshan says: “The Bahamas has transformed from its colonial roots into a strong, independent nation within the Commonwealth. Its strategic location enhances its role in trade and tourism, and with visa-free access to 161 countries as of August 2024, it continues to grow in global influence.

Additionally, its vibrant culture and stable economy make it a key player in the Caribbean region.” Projected economic indicators for the Bahamas show an encouraging trend, with its GDP poised to grow by 18.76 percent, reaching an unprecedented $17.

1 billion by 2029. Parallel to its economic ascent, the Bahamas has seen a notable increase in outbound tourism. In 2021, Bahamian travelers spent around $253 million on international trips, a substantial 52 percent increase from the previous year, showcasing an expanding global engagement among its residents.

Additionally, Bahamians enjoy the freedom of visa-free access to 161 destinations, enhancing their ability to explo.