Please open your exam books and pick up your pencils. It’s time for your AP Bachelorette Language & Composition open-book final exam to begin. The Bachelorette is an American television program in which the hottest woman you’ve ever seen dates a series of men who seem hot, but as you get to know their personalities, you’re totally turned off.

It is a television program created for the girlies who still believe in true love but also have a pool at their job for when the Bachelorette and her final choice will split up. Using the following sources, please answer the following: WHY DID JENN TELL MARCUS SHE’S IN LOVE WITH HIM? You will have 45 minutes to write an essay answering the above question. Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.

Your time starts now. Okay. What the hell is going on with this season? I don’t know about you, but it’s as if every episode has been written by a new writer who hasn’t seen the previous episode.

Devin is freaking out so much he wants to leave? Marcus is telling Jenn that he doesn’t love her? Jonathon getting eliminated? Sure! Anything goes when your storylines are now exercises in how far you can stretch the audience’s suspension of disbelief. I can’t tell if something so diabolically juicy is coming up or production has nothing so they’re challenging themselves to create storylines out of thin air. And what makes this episode so difficult to watch is that Jenn has ceased to make sense to me.
