SPOILER ALERT! This post contains details from Monday’s episode of The Bachelorette . We’re coming down to the wire on The Bachelorette , as Jenn Tran barrels toward a potential engagement with one of her three remaining suitors. This week’s cold open shows there may be some trouble in paradise, as Devin is spiraling a bit over where he stands with Jenn.

But, all will reveal itself in due time, and we must make it through fantasy suites to find out what’s plaguing Devin. The group is in Hawai’i, and Jenn is very nervous yet excited about fantasy suites. Molly Mesnick returns to give Jenn some advice after she and Jason helped facilitate the radio date in Seattle that ended with Sam M’s elimination.

She tells Jenn this is week was the most important of her entire experience dating Jason, because it allows for dedicated alone time to have the deeper conversations that are necessary before an engagement. Jenn says she’s as ready as she can be for an engagement, though she’s going to need some reassurance from her men. Up first is Devin, who has already told Jenn that he loves her and is waiting for her to say it back.

They take a helicopter ride around the island before landing near a waterfall, where they enjoy a bottle of champagne while they chat about their relationship. Devin tells Jenn that he is looking forward to what their relationship could be outside of production, and being around his family during hometowns just made him want to make it to that point.