By ONAJITE USMAN Exactly one year ago, the appointment of Festus Keyamo, SAN, as Nigeria’s Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development was met with widespread skepticism. A renowned lawyer and public advocate, Keyamo was seen as an outsider to the aviation sector—a square peg in a round hole. Critics questioned his ability to navigate the complex world of aviation, where technical expertise and industry experience are often considered prerequisites for success.

However, as we mark the one-year anniversary of his tenure, it is clear that Keyamo has defied expectations, emerging as a transformative force and a visionary leader in the aviation sector. From the outset, Keyamo demonstrated a proactive approach that would come to define his leadership. One of his earliest victories was the realignment of Nigeria with the Cape Town Convention, a crucial move that will open doors for local aviators to access international leasing markets.

This achievement was not just a matter of policy, but of strategic diplomacy. Keyamo’s engagement with the Attorney General, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, and other legal stakeholders is paving the way for this milestone, setting a strong foundation for future growth in the aviation sector. Keyamo’s foresight was further evident when he facilitated the launch of Air Peace’s London Gatwick route.

Many faulted his involvement in this endeavour, viewing it as too patronising. Today, Keyamo’s decision has proven to be a masterstroke, sign.