Thursday, July 18, 2024 In the coming few days, the Australian Tourism Export Council and the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations China Host Workshops will be organized, together with Victoria’s workshop, scheduled on 24 July. It will happen at the Vibe Hotel in Melbourne. The National Foundation for Australia-China Relations is keen on making a national platform that involves businesses, governments and communities to help as well as find ground-breaking ways to get involved with China in a constructive fashion, across greater areas of the country and to contain their varied stakeholders and communities.

It mainly targets to reinforce the present relations and build assistance in areas of shared interest and mutual benefit, unswerving with their country’s interest. The workshops will explore the China Host modules of ATEC, mainly aiming on products, services, culture, and trade engagement, together with practical breakout sessions. In helping the financial recovery of the inbound market of China, the workshops will play a major role, assisting tourism businesses of Australia in developing confidence and making use of current updates of the market to their advantage.

There are a couple of places left for the Victorian workshop. The registration for New South Wales workshop is open at this moment..