I like the fl owy look, but as a mature woman I'm afraid of resembling Georgia O'Keeff e, which is not my goal at all. How do you style one of these toppers without appearing to be an aging faux artiste? — Mary M. Dear Mary: Flowy garments that hover at the knee or mid-calf can be stylish and fl attering.

This is one reason that shops like Eileen Fisher that sell wearable classics are go-tos for "mature women" who want to look put together and, perhaps, divert attention from their perceived figure fl aws. These kimono-style garments aren't for everyone, but there is no danger of being labeled a Georgia O'Keeff e wannabe. How to style such a topper? The same way you'd style a cardigan or a jacket.

If the fabric has a strong pattern, what you wear under it shouldn't compete. Wardrobe basics — a simple shirt, shell or blouse with pants or a unicolor dress or skirt — would work well. Experiment, and choose what makes you feel pretty and comfortable.

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: What can be done about people who talk on their cellphones in public, even on speakerphone? It happened again recently that I got to hear all about someone's kidney stones while I was trying to shop. I have been known to tap them on the shoulder and say, "I hear every word you're saying," but I've been told that's rude. What is more rude, their discussing private issues in public or me asking them not to? — Ellie P.

Dear Ellie: I am often amazed by the intimate phone conversations people have in public.