Children, many great souls have worked tirelessly for world peace, and many are still striving today. Yet, we do not see much change in the world. War, conflict, poverty and starvation exist even today.

Many ask if there is a lasting solution to these problems. The war and conflict that we see in the world today are outer expressions of the inner conflicts raging in human minds. The mind ought to become our obedient servant, but at present, it is lording over and manipulating us.

The hatred, anger and cruelty in human minds are far more lethal than all the explosives in the outer world. If we do not flush out these toxic emotions, war and conflict will continue to prevail in the world. Once, a nightingale was perched on a tree and singing sweetly.

A hunter trapped the bird and wanted to kill it. The bird gazed piteously into the hunter’s eyes and begged, “Please don’t kill me. Let me go!” The nightingale’s heart-breaking plea moved the hunter.

In that moment, he became aware of the stark difference between the nightingale, darting about blissfully and warbling sweetly, and his own heinous and cruel life. He told the nightingale, “I shall release you on one condition: you must tell me the secret of your joy.” The nightingale said, “I’m scared of you.

First, let me go, and then I shall tell you the secret of my joy.” The hunter released the bird. As the nightingale flew away, she said, “It is the evil in you that causes you such pain and misery.

Your heart.