On Friday, after the rousing Democratic convention was over, Trump charged that Harris’s securing of the Democratic Party’s nomination posed a “threat to democracy.” “It was a coup. We had a coup,” Trump said of Harris’s nomination, “the first coup of the history of our country, and it was very successful.

” This from a man who actually tried to orchestrate a coup — who continues to baselessly claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him, who after the election threatened state election officials if they didn’t change their tallies, and on January 6, 2021, urged a crowd of armed followers to attack the U.S. Capitol to prevent the election results from being certified.

What’s Trump’s basis for his absurd claim that Harris orchestrated a coup? He argues that Harris has “no right” to run for president because she got “no [primary] votes to Biden’s 14 Million.” READ: 'Compare and contrast': Ex-GOP insider has theory why Trump's attacks on Harris don't land This is utter nonsense. The Democratic Party had the power to replace Biden with Harris.

In choosing Biden, primary voters elected delegates to pick their nominee. Once Biden dropped out, those delegates could pick his replacement. They chose Harris.

Their overwhelming enthusiasm for Harris at last week’s convention should have laid to rest any doubts about whether the Democratic Party is behind her. Why is Trump saying this was a coup? Some analysts think he’s laying the groundwork fo.