The hit AMC drama "Breaking Bad" aired for 62 episodes over five seasons from 2008 through 2013. The series starred Bryan Cranston as Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher who turns to cooking methamphetamine after being diagnosed with lung cancer. Aaron Paul had his breakout role as Jesse Pinkman, Walt's former student who introduces him to the drug business.

Other series stars included Bob Odenkirk as "criminal lawyer" Saul Goodman, Jonathan Banks as henchman Mike Ehrmantraut, and Anna Gunn as Walt's wife Skyler. Transportation coordinator Dennis Milliken worked closely with series creator Vince GiIligan to match each main character to an appropriate vehicle, and these pairings resulted in a selection of cars that ran the gamut from totally inconspicuous to fast, loud, and flashy. "I'll send [creator Vince Gilligan] dozens of pictures, and eventually we narrow it down to what he thinks the character should be in," Milliken told Entertainment Weekly in 2012.

For this article, we're excluding the infamous Fleetwood Bounder RV that Walt and Jesse use as a mobile meth lab to focus on the coolest cars and SUVs used by the characters as daily drivers. Walt was initially assigned a drab Pontiac Aztek in an effort to portray him as boring and downtrodden, right down to the mismatched rear wheel and fading paint. The wonky SUV was regarded as ugly when it was first introduced in 2001, and the Pontiac Aztek was called a failure by many.

The car's odd styling landed it on a Ti.