Between 1 January and 28 February, the top five FTSE 100 shares with AJ Bell’s clients were (in order) Glencore, Phoenix Group Holdings, Taylor Wimpey, JD Sports Fashion (LSE:JD.), and SSE. The list is based on the net inflows of funds so it also takes into account those selling each stock.
In my opinion, it’s never a good idea to buy shares just because they are popular with others. There’s no substitute for doing your own research. After all, how do I know that those backing a particular stock have taken the time to study the company’s prospects and those of the industry in which it operates? However, league tables of popular shares can be a good starting point for picking shares.
Bargain huntingFour of the stocks are currently (17 March) trading within 6% of their 52-week lows. It looks to me as though investors are seeking out bargains.StockShare price (pence)52-week low (pence)% above 52-week lowGlencore3213093.
9Phoenix Group Holdings56847320.0Taylor Wimpey1131075.6JD Sports Fashion74714.
2SSE1,5211,4475.1Source: London Stock Exchange / data at lunchtime on 17 March 2025JD Sports is the closest to its one-year low. And to be honest, I’m pleased that it’s on the list.
That’s because I already own shares in the sports leisure retailer. I first bought them in the summer of 2024. Two profit warnings later, I’m now sitting on a large paper loss.
At the time, I thought they were a bit of a bargain. Now, I think they are even more so.And if I’d some spare cash, I.