WITH all the buzz around the so-called 'miracle' weight-loss jabs Ozempic, you could easily mistake it for a cure for all. Although created to help manage type 2 diabetes the injections have now become a popular go-to solution for tackling obesity. 9 The jabs work by keeping you feeling full Credit: OZEMPIC 9 Lottie Moss has admitted to taking Ozempic Credit: instagram 9 From 'curing' snoring to slashing your risk of cancer It contains semaglutide, an ingredient that promotes weight loss by mimicking the actions of GLP-1, a hormone released in the gut after eating, which helps you feel full and satisfied.

Many celebrities, suddenly sporting more defined cheekbones and chiselled chins, swear by them to maintain their slim, glamorous appearance. Some new studies even suggest the medicines, sometimes nicknamed "fat jabs" boost heart health, and ward off an early grave . And ever newer research suggests they might help curb addictive habits like gambling , smoking, and drinking too much .

Read more on fat jabs WEIGHT IS OVER 'Ozempic pill' leads to 'faster & longer-lasting weight loss than fat jabs' But, as with any drug, there is a flip side The most common known side effects are nausea or an upset stomach, bloating and gas. Users might also get a gaunt "Ozempic face" if rapid weight loss leads to volume loss in the cheeks, experts have warned. Model Lottie Moss was rushed to hospital and suffered a seizure after she took high doses of Ozempic.

Most read in Health DADDY'S GIRL A.