Summary Pilots can start their careers through flight schools like ATP or pursue a university degree in aviation for a broader education. Popular aviation schools like Baylor, UND, OU, Auburn, and Purdue offer various degrees, licenses, and certificates. Schools like Purdue provide additional experience and airline partnerships for students to secure jobs after graduation.

Both airline and private aviation pilots across the country tend to start their careers fairly early. A lot of these pilots began their career through traditional flight schools or flight training facilities, such as ATP Flight School. Some flight schools like this provide extensive training to student pilots, taking them from ground school all the way to become airline transport pilot (ATP) certified.

This includes providing various courses that allow the student pilot to receive their private pilot license, multi-engine rating, instrument rating, commercial rating, and even their certified flight instructor (CFI) certificate. The academy is the largest flight training company in the United States. However, an increasing choice for pilots is to take an alternate route and attend a university.

This allows the student pilot to receive their bachelor's degree in addition to their pilot licenses and certifications. Many of these student pilots attend rigorous courses that are focused on the mechanics and physics of flight, safety, aviation law, leadership, and even meteorology. At the same time, these students.