Lidl’s mystery boxes are landing on doorsteps across the country and X (formerly known as Twitter) is awash with posts from lucky Lidl-lovers. For those who may not be aware of this, let me explain. Taking after brands like Nike and Candy Kittens, this month Lidl launched 1,000 Mystery Boxes – a hamper with items from the famed middle aisle of the supermarket, worth up to £199, that you could buy for £20.

The proceeds from sales go to the NSPCC (but of course, it’s largely a straight-up publicity stunt for the chain). Not only were 1,000 lucky shoppers getting a box of goodies, some were also even gifted with an additional voucher for an extra, larger and more luxury item to follow the box’s arrival. Needless to say, millions logged on to buy a box on launch day on Thursday 15 August but most were likely left staring at an online queue of doom as they speedily sold out.

Read Next 'I was in pain for years': How women with fibroids are being gaslit by doctors I managed to get one. To say I was elated is an understatement. Long have I been a Lidl stan , ever since I inadvertently signed myself, my husband and two friends up to Lidl’s Christmas wine tasting event.

It turned out to be a blind tasting, seeing us drinking in pitch darkness while helpers with scary night vision goggles watched over us and gave scores based on our preferences. Before we knew it we were, frankly, pretty pissed, having had one of the most surprising but enjoyable evenings of the festive seas.