Given the enormous influence that weather and the climate have on human behavior and society, it’s not surprising to find Hollywood repeatedly turning to extreme weather and natural disasters in search of exciting stories. Such films allow audiences to confront the relative smallness of human agency in the vastness of the natural world while also giving them the satisfaction of seeing individual heroes manage to survive all that nature can throw at them. Moreover, as the weather becomes ever more extreme and unpredictable, these films also remind viewers of just how terrible things might become in the not-so-distant future.

'Sunshine' Danny Boyle has shown remarkable versatility as a director, and in Sunshine, he gives audiences a harrowing story about astronauts determined to save the world after the sun begins to die and plunges the world into a potential ice age. It’s one of those films that truly captures the sense of wonder that science fiction is uniquely positioned to provide. Sunshine captures the overwhelming power of the celestial while keeping its eye firmly on the humanity of it all.

This is a sci-fi story with believable and emotionally resonant stakes. 'The Wave' Though Hollywood has produced many noteworthy extreme weather films, various international studios have also gotten in on the action. One of the most extraordinary is The Wave , which focuses on an avalanche in Norway and the subsequent tsunami.

A less competent film would have indeed fallen into th.