You could break a sweat trying to keep up with Victoria’s new cafes, bars, restaurants and other eateries – have you seen how many bakeries opened this year? For someone who reviews restaurants for a living, that’s a good thing. But for the average diner, it can be hard to know which new and hyped spots are worth your money. On the flip side, how do you know which restaurants continue to deliver impeccable service and food that’s worthy of a special occasion? That’s where The Age Good Food Guide comes in.

Our team of 40-plus reviewers fanned out across Victoria, hunting out not just the new but the noteworthy. This year’s finalists for Restaurant of the Year, Chef of the Year and New Restaurant of the Year are a snapshot of the very best of our state. And they’re not all flashy fine diners (although if that’s your jam, there are some exceptional ones in this list).

The confident and femme Carnation Canteen serves food that never goes out of style. Chae offers a groundbreaking Korean chef’s table experience. And there are warm and rollicking rooms where you’ll be encouraged to eat with your hands, order another bottle, or tell the babysitter you’ll be late.

Importantly, each one is a restaurant you’ll be happy to have ticked off your bucket list. Vittoria Coffee Restaurant of the Year Chauncy, Heathcote This is a heaven-sent destination restaurant. Yes, there’s commitment involved in driving to and staying in Heathcote, but the charms of Chauncy make .