viewers tuning into the Australian version of the hit quiz show were left completely baffled when they watched a group of contestants struggle with an absolute brain-buster of a question. Over in Oz, the much-loved telly quiz, fronted by funny man Lee Mack on our shores, dangles a $100,000AUD carrot (£53,553) for any brainbox who can conquer queries that only the top one percent of the country can answer. The recent episode had everyone biting their nails as comedian Jim Jefferies hosted and stumped them all with a stinker.

Fans were on the edge of their seats as the head-scratching challenge kicked off: "What number comes next in this sequence? You have 30 seconds to answer your time starts now." Nobody could make heads or tails of the puzzling numbers up on the screen - "1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1.", reports .

Time was ticking with constant updates at '15 seconds' and '5 seconds', but not even the brains of the bunch could suss it out, leaving the audience and those at home shouting at their TVs. Cool as a cucumber, Jefferies spilled the beans: "The solution is - 13112231. For those trying this at home, here's the trick.

You count out loud what you see - so that's one one, then two ones, then one two and one one and so on." He continued to explain, "The final string is - one three, one one, two twos and two ones." With none of the brainiacs cracking the code, Jeffries couldn't help but jest, "Ah man, that sucks.

" This episode quickly s.