Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached a new low in the political theater of absurdity. On July 24, 2024, at precisely 8 PM EST, the American public was treated to what was supposed to be a presidential address from Joe Biden. But let’s be clear: that was not Joe Biden.

Instead, we witnessed a high-tech deepfake, a digital deception designed to fool us all. Of course the address was just a video of him with no one else around..

.. First, let’s talk about the tan.

Joe Biden has been reportedly sick and cooped up indoors for a week. Yet, the man who appeared on our screens looked like he just got back from a luxurious beach vacation. A perfect bronze glow, quite out of place for someone who should be pale and drawn from illness.

How do we reconcile this discrepancy? Simple, we can’t. The tan is a glaring red flag that something is amiss. Next, we have the issue of facial symmetry.

The Joe Biden that spoke to the nation had a face that was unnaturally symmetrical. Human faces, even those of our most photogenic Hollywood stars, have imperfections. This symmetrical perfection is a hallmark of digital fabrication, a clear sign that artificial intelligence was at work here.

Now, onto the blinking. Blinking might seem like a trivial detail, but it’s one of those subtle nuances that AI often struggles to get right. Our supposed president’s blinks were not at a normal human cadence.

They were either too rapid or too slow, lacking the natural irregularity of genuine human behavi.