Thames-Coromandel mayor Len Salt will leave the mayoral chains at home when he picks up the guitar and joins a stellar line up of Kiwi musicians. Salt will join internationally renowned composer, writer, arranger and teacher of harp music Anna Dunwoodie and well-known Kiwi troubadours Unsung Heroes on stage at the Thames Squash Club for an evening of song on Friday. Salt and Dunwoodie have recently been in the recording studio and are set to perform a series of guitar, harp and vocal arrangements.

The duo, known as Len and Anna grouped in an unusual set of circumstances. “Well, there was a degree of calling one’s bluff; I contacted Len about a completely unrelated fundraiser I was organising, and he must have done his homework and knew a little about me, then suggested that I should create a fundraising concert,” Dunwoodie said..