Tamil superstar Thalapathy Vijay unveiled the flag of his newly formed political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), in a grand event in Chennai today. The ceremony took place at the party headquarters, marking a significant moment in Vijay's political journey. The Tamil superstar launched his party in February this year and aims to contest the 2026 Tamil Nadu assembly elections.

In the recently concluded 2024 Lok Sabha Elections, Vijay's party did not align with any bloc. So, let us check some key details about TVK's 'Vaagai' flag and the party anthem. The flag of Thalapathy Vijay's political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, features a red and yellow background that signifies its primary theme.

It features both colours in alternate bands with yellow in the middle. It features two elephants on either side and a Vaagai flower in the centre. It is believed that ancient Tamil warriors wore garlands made up of the Vaagai flower to symbolise triumph.

People from the Sangam period predominantly used this. The Vaagai tree is also considered to be one of the most ancient trees in Tamil Nadu. The Vaagai tree is called Mimosa Flexuosa in Latin and Syrissa tree in English.

The newly unveiled anthem of Vijay's TVK is causing a massive buzz on social media, with fans going gaga over it. The four-minute twenty-five-second anthem begins with two dark elephants trying to cause chaos around a region, hurting everyone around them. Two mahouts guide the elephants.

Amid this, a man holding a .