A man who after paying $4,000 for the instrument has spoken out about his decision. Gary Estes, 67, was filmed destroying the guitar with a hammer after winning the item at the Ellis County Wild Game Dinner in , on Saturday. The instrument was covered in pictures of .
Some people accused Gary of making a political statement with his actions, after for for President. However, Gary has insisted it was all intended to be a joke. The Ellis County Wild Game Dinner is a charity event which aims to raise money for agricultural-based education efforts for local young people.
Gary has said: "It was just a joke at an auction that we had to raise money for kids, right? And that's all it was." Speaking to , Gary added: "There was nothing mean about it, nothing bad about it. It was just a joke that they were making up on the stage, and we just followed through with a joke.
" Auctioneer Craig Meier said the joke "played well in the room". Despite insisting it wasn't meant as a political statement, Gary did admit to being a Donald Trump supporter. The guitar has now been listed for sale on Ebay.
The listing explains Gary donated the guitar back to the Texas non-profit he originally bought it from. The sale proceeds will be put towards helping young people. Gary's comments come after many people assumed the guitar smashing was in response to Taylor's endorsement of Harris.
Taylor announced her support for the Vice President on Instagram. "I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Wa.