On Tuesday, a judge dismissed most of the claims from the who was punished over his hairstyle’s . According to Jeffrey Brown, Darryl George’s only viable claim is one based on sex discrimination. As has previously reported, the now 18-year-old was suspended from school his junior year and sent to an alternative disciplinary institution over his long hair, which was purportedly a violation of the Barbers Hill High School dress code and grooming policy.

This latest decision comes after the disappointing February ruling from a state “in a lawsuit filed by the school district that its punishment does not violate the CROWN Act.” “The district has argued that George’s long hair, which he wears to school in tied and twisted locs on top of his head, violates its policy because it would fall below his shirt collar, eyebrows or earlobes if let down. The district has said other students with locs comply with the length policy,” the reports.

In response, George and his mother Darresha George filed a last year against the Barbers Hill school district, principal, assistant principal, the district superintendent, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Texas Governor Greg Abbott. But in the latest ruling from Brown, Abbott, the district superintendent, other school employees and Paxton were all dropped as parties to the case. The George’s also claimed a violation of their freedom of speech under the , which Brown also denied because the George’s lawyer was unable to referenc.