'Terrific' is a word we often use unconsciously while talking about things we enjoy. Interestingly, its original meaning is 'to cause fear.' Over time, we've transformed this daunting word into something more positive.

Today, M Kid takes us to some truly awe-inspiring places that can genuinely be described as terrific in both senses of the word. Visiting the scariest places on Earth is an opportunity to awaken your inner adventurer. While many things appear frightening at first glance, they often lead you to the most fascinating and beautiful corners of the world.

Some of these places are natural wonders, while others are man-made marvels, yet many are indeed terrifying to behold. If you're looking for an adventurous and intriguing travel experience, be sure to keep the following places in mind. Death Road, North Yungas Road, Bolivia Calling the journey from La Paz to Coroico in Bolivia dangerous is almost an understatement.

This treacherous path, known as the Death Road, winds through the Amazon rainforest at over 15,000 feet above sea level. The North Yungas Road is a single-lane route, just 12 feet wide and stretching 50 miles long. It earned its ominous nickname due to the staggering number of fatalities it used between 200 and 300 per year.

Nowadays, it's more of a destination for adventurous mountain bikers rather than a thoroughfare for vehicles. Hill of Crosses, Lithuania Imagine a vast hill covered in thousands of crosses-a place once dedicated to freedom and the com.