It started on my 33rd birthday. I realised I was , and something needed to change – quickly. My constant connectivity and digital overload left me drained, making it impossible to truly switch off.

failed, with me reaching for my phone just minutes later. In my mind, there was always something more to do, something else to check. My phone had become my lifeline.

On that birthday, I set a challenge for myself: to unplug from all devices for 1,000 hours over the course of a year. What started as an effort to reclaim time and become more present ended up transforming my life. Disconnecting taught me how to be happier, cultivate inner peace, and rekindle my love for life.

Now, thousands of unplugged hours later, here are some of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way: “I’m just checking in,” I’d reassure myself whenever I reached for my phone. But when I started disconnecting, I had to confront the truth: I wasn’t checking in; I was checking out. This journey taught me to truly check in with myself during moments of stress, anxiety, or boredom.

Instead of , I used my offline hours to genuinely care for myself – by taking walks, practicing mindfulness, or simply sitting outside in the sunshine. Unplugging made me realise that time is the most valuable currency I possess. I can either waste it or invest it wisely in the people, projects and plans I cherish.

The choice is mine – whether it’s bingeing on Netflix or an unplugged date with my husband. .