Zara fans are going wild over a '10/10' red mini dress proving popular ahead of the festive season. The party-ready dress wowed fashion lovers after blogger @Robynpridmore styled the elegant dress in a viral video. Sharing her 'new season try on', Robyn paired the mini dress with tights, Zara bow heels and a matching red bag.

In response, viewers were quick to praise the Satin Mini Dress with Cut-Out Detail , with many keen to get the 'beautiful' dress for themselves. Available for £29.99, the dress can be found online and in-store.

However, fans will need to be quick as most sizes are already sold out online and several locations say they only have 'last items in stock'. READ MORE: 'Beautiful' £89 M&S aviator jacket that's 'really thick and warm' and 'great quality' READ MORE: Frankie Bridge praises £45 burgundy boots that 'look designer' But if you strike it lucky, you might be able to get the viral dress in your area. You can check via Zara's store checker tool.

Several social media users say they 'need' the dress, with Robyn's video amassing over 700,000 views and many excited comments. "Ok I’m obsessed," one person enthused. Someone added: "Omg 10/10," and another wrote: "Wow! Love.

" Others said, "Omg need," "Beautiful," and "Soo cute." Meanwhile, others were keen to get the link for the stylish shoes seen in the video, which are Zara's £27.99 High-heel shoes with bow detail - also proving popular with shoppers.

Not everyone was so impressed, though. A commenter sa.