Doing Life With...

is a BellaNaija Features series that showcases how people live, work, travel, care for their families and...

everything in between. We are documenting the lives of all people and ensuring everyone is well-represented at BN. Did you miss our conversation with Dejoke Ogunbiyi ? You can catch up here .

This week, we’re doing life with Temitayo Akinyemi , a journalist, creative writer and editor. He explores storytelling using innovative tools like satellite imagery, interactive data, and multimedia to tell stories that are accessible to all people. He is a 2019 African Liberty Writing Fellow, and an APLP graduate from NTA, Egypt, and has worked as HumAngle’s Interactive Editor and Zikoko Citizen’s Editor-in-Chief.

Enjoy the conversation. Hey Temitayo, how do you do? Hey, it’s a pleasure to be here. Like most Nigerians, I am trying to navigate these Tinubu times.

We all are. Give me a peep into your background and what part of your childhood influenced who you are today I read a lot of old newspapers. I did not grow up in the 80s (I am glad I only had to face Buhari once), but my father kept a lot of newspapers and magazines from that period, which I consumed with intent.

I fell in love with Nigerian history reading those papers and the role of journalists in documenting history. You graduated as a law student but decided not to practise Law. What informed this decision? Temitayo Akinyemi That’s impressively daring, Akinyemi Thank you.

You’ve worked.