Study: Telehealth Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain: The LAMP Randomized Clinical Trial . Image Credit: Pixel-Shot / Question: How effective are scalable, relatively low-resource mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) delivered via telehealth for veterans with chronic pain? Implementing mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) at scale has several challenges, such as the need for trained instructors and dedicated space.

A recent JAMA Internal Medicine study compares the effectiveness of scalable telehealth MBIs for patients with chronic pain to standard care. MBIs to alleviate chronic pain Chronic pain is an expensive and debilitating public health issue that disproportionately affects veterans. Non-pharmacologic treatments for chronic pain are not frequently used due to multiple barriers at the clinician, patient, and organization levels.

Currently, MBIs are recommended as a first-line treatment, as they can improve chronic pain and comorbid conditions such as sleep disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance misuse, and depression. However, several MBIs, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), have certain features that make them difficult to implement. About the study The present randomized clinical trial (RCT) assessed the efficacy of two scalable telehealth approaches for delivering MBIs to veterans suffering from comorbid biopsychosocial conditions.

MBIs were adapted from MBSR that considered implementation barrie.