Both the overall number of abortions and the use of telehealth abortion care continue to increase in the United States, according to the latest #WeCount report released Wednesday. Telehealth made up 20% of all abortion care in the first three months of 2024, and the monthly total of abortions exceeded 100,000 for the first time since the group began tracking abortion data in 2022. #WeCount is a collaborative group of researchers who collect national abortion data from clinics every month and is a project of the Society of Family Planning, a membership organization focused on abortion and contraception science.

Dr. Alison Norris, co-chair of the group, said the data captures about 80% of abortion clinics nationwide. Using that data, the group makes estimates to account for clinics that do not provide reports.

From January to March 2024, there were about 19,700 telehealth abortions per month, according to the report. The states with the biggest jumps in the average number of abortions per month compared with the first three months of 2023 include New York, California, Virginia, Kansas and Pennsylvania. Kansas saw 59% more telehealth abortions and 29% more in-person abortions each month.

Norris said the use of telehealth has continued to grow, particularly now that five states — New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Vermont and Colorado — specifically shield those who provide telehealth abortions from legal ramifications if they work with patients from states with abortion re.