Britain’s oldest dad left behind a huge sum to his children after he passed away. Raymond Calvert died in December 2022, having become the nation’s oldest father at the age of 78 with his 25-year-old lover in 2010. Raymond, a former market trader left £760,000 to his seven children and partner Charlotte Calvert.

Raymond had six other children with his ex-wife. He died aged 91 and his will shows Charlotte, who gave birth at 25 and is now 39, has been left £25,000 from the substantial pot, while their son Jamie Rai, now 14, will receive the same sum when he turns 21. Charlotte and Raymond first me t when she was just 16, leading to controversy as their romance “blossomed” a few years later.

Raymond’s will was updated to include Jamie Rai after he was born. His loved ones were left devastated when he died at the Royal Preston Hospital after a fall. His funeral took place just a few days before Christma and he was buried at the Skipton Crematorium.

Two of his daughters Rachel and Paula Louise Calvert were appointed as his executors and trustees. His home was given to the executors on the condition Charlotte was not living there at the time of his death and he also asked for her to be able to stay in the property until Jamie Rai reached 21. The cash was to be divided between the children after his funeral and any possible debts of his were paid off.

On becoming a father in 2010, Calvert said: “He's a gift from God, my very own miracle...

Yes, you get some plonkers who.