Using technology to deliver therapy for children and young people is as effective as traditional face-to-face therapy, according to new research. The University of East Anglia-led study highlights the potential for using technology to expand access to mental health treatment, particularly following an increase in need due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a widely recognized and effective treatment for a range of mental health difficulties, including anxiety and depression in children and young people.

Over the past two decades, several innovative approaches have emerged to deliver CBT through technology. This includes apps, online software, and video games which deliver CBT directly through technology, as well as approaches which retain a human therapist via phone calls or video conferencing. While these technology-assisted versions have shown promise, there has been limited research directly comparing their effectiveness to traditional face-to-face CBT.

Our findings suggest that technology-assisted CBT can be a viable alternative to traditional face-to-face CBT for some children and young people. This is especially relevant given the increasing demand for mental health services following the Covid-19 pandemic." Dr.

Leonardo Bevilacqua, lead author, UEA's Norwich Medical School The research looked at multiple studies which examined various forms of technology-assisted CBT, such as video conferencing and online platforms. Of these, seven studies.