
As members join services online ...

Trend denying Churches resources to carry out programmes ...

Many yet to wean selves off Covid-19 era Advancement in technology and the current worsening economic challenge in Nigeria are taking many people away from church programmes, particularly on Sundays. BusinessDay Sunday’s checks have shown. Whereas it was fashionable in the past for members to be physically present in their churches on Sundays and other mid-week services, today, many tend to stay back in the comfort of their homes and log in to their church’s site where services are streamed live.

For many worshippers, technology has brought the church into people’s homes. However, the harsh economy in addition to technology adoption has further discouraged many from attending physical church services. According to BDSUNDAY’s checks, some worshippers now calculate the cost of attending a physical church service in terms of transportation and the offerings they would give, on the back of the current economic reality and the oil subsidy removal by the government, and would rather stay away than attend a physical church service.

Our findings also indicated that these factors, not only affect the resources that should help the church carry out its programmes, they also erode the beauty of fellowship for many of the worshippers. “The current harsh economy has also affected church attendance seriously as many couldn’t meet up with the transportation demand due to cost of mat.