An inquest was told of the tragic details that led to the death of Sheilagh Alexandra Warner, following the accident on the A5 outside Shrewsbury on May 16 this year. Shropshire assistant coroner Heath Westerman concluded that Mrs Warner, who was 61, died from injuries as a result of a fall from a moving vehicle. Mr Westerman had earlier read a moving statement from Mrs Warner's daughter, Charlotte Bourg, describing how her mother was born in Scotland in 1963 as the youngest of six children, with the family later emigrating to Durban in South Africa.

Mrs Warner was described as "having a deep Christian faith", and met her future husband, Brantford Warner, while in South Africa. The couple, who had two children, moved to Shropshire in 1987 – living in what was described as a cottage with "wonky walls" and a "leaking roof". The hearing was told Mrs Warner had worked as a secretary before going on to train as an English teacher – and was "always trying to improve herself", working at both Stoke Heath Prison, and Shrewsbury Prison before it closed.

Eventually Mrs Warner joined Adcote School as an English teacher, and was in the process of getting her masters degree. Mrs Bourg's statement described how her mother was a "proud grandmother". She "doted" on Mrs Bourg's two children, who knew Mrs Warner as 'Nonny'.

Mrs Bourg said: "Whenever there were sleepovers they would be back with the biggest smiles, because it was literally chaos and no rules existed." The inquest heard how .