We’d made no plans, our house in York was a mess, our one-year-old’s naps were all over the place, and it felt like the whole weekend was going to be a write-off. Seven hours later and we were standing at Wembley Stadium screaming our hearts out as the most famous singer in the world took to her diamond stage. I still can’t quite believe it happened.

Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Edinburgh News, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more. Forget Glastonbury . This summer, if you want a true “tear your hair out getting tickets” experience, it’s all about Taylor Swift .

Tickets for her Eras extravaganza, which takes in 18 years of her extraordinary career, are not easy to come by. Registration for the tour launched back in 2022, and even after expressing an interest, you could only buy tickets if you were picked, lottery style, and sent a special access code for the sale. Many Swifties missed out.

Despite the stadiums hosting her having capacity of more than 90,000 people, there are just too many of us out there obsessed with the music and words of the 34-year-old with a songbook mixed of heartbreak and empowerment. I’d registered myself for a chance to buy tickets in every one of her British dates: Liverpool , Cardiff, Edinburgh and London, but never received a code. However, back in June, I was fortunate enough to get tick.