Taylor Swift fans have finally unravelled the mystery of the Eras Tour stage dive. For the unfamiliar, the singer made waves when she debuted her record-breaking show last year and it featured a rather unusual trick. After Swift performs her surprise song set, she dives 'head first fearless' under the stage.

It's a rather striking sight, one that's made even stranger when she appears to swim under the stage to get to her next mark. But now her 'I Can Do It With a Broken Heart' music video has cleared up any misconceptions. While Swift doesn't jump into a foam pit or McDonald's ball pit, as some previously joked, she appears to land on inflatable mat.

. In never-before-seen footage, the music video takes fans behind the scenes of the tour and shows fans how Swift perfected her dramatic jump. As it turns out, the dive might look like a death-defying feat, but in fact, it's a rather short jump.

Seconds after Swift leaps, she lands on a large prop, in reassuring news for fans who previously worried about the stunt. Eagle-eyed Swifties also spotted Swift riding a 'rollercoaster', or sled, that allows her to travel under the stage while she's seemingly swimming to her next song, as suggested by graphics on the stage floor. Reacting to the video online, a fan said: "Knowing that she’s zooming around under the stage now on a littler rollercoaster between each era is SO FUNNY TO ME," and a second said: "I want to go on taylor swifts mini rollercoaster.

" Meanwhile, other fans shared .