What a wonderful piece of news for the citizens of Baltimore and the state of Maryland! Once again, the local taxpayers are being pillaged by the Baltimore Ravens, this time to the tune of $430 million. What will the taxpayers get for this gargantuan outlay of tax dollars? They’ll get a cutesy little club area which will only be populated about 50 hours per year by only the rich and beautiful people who can buy $20 beers ( Aug. 5).

Meanwhile, the Baltimore police and fire departments remain woefully short on manpower. This is not to mention the many city schools that have struggled through heating or air conditioning issues. Finally, the Baltimore Department of Public Works is a disaster.

A DPW worker died on the job due to the heat and a lack of hydration facilities. In other words, the city and state will not hesitate to raise money via bonds, use lottery funding originally earmarked for the schools, and even borrow money at today’s highest interest rates to please those non-taxpaying freeloaders, the Baltimore Ravens. What are the real priorities in city and state government? Money talks.

This news is disgusting, and I find it disgraceful that the city and state governments kowtowed to appease billionaires and the wealthy patrons of the National Football League while claiming to have no money for vital services for their constituents. Elected leaders seem to be all too willing to buy the status connected to the almighty NFL with that priority taking center stage to eve.