ARIES King of pentacles: Mature, successful and grounded Embrace the qualities outlined above. Take a sensible and responsible approach to your responsibilities and obligations to achieve the best results. Value and care for your resources, and you’ll witness their growth in no time.

Cultivate patience and offer a helping hand to others. Taurus King of swords: Focus, be impartial, logical and ethical The King of Swords urges you to be absolutely unwavering in your commitment to your cause. You need to be impartial in our approach and apply logic and integrity to everything that we do.

Be focused and do everything with clarity. Be someone others can turn to for advice. Gemini Heirophant: Higher learning, spirituality, traditional values In today’s materialistic world, it’s important to maintain your authenticity and integrity.

You may encounter religious or spiritual organizations that can offer guidance. Education will play a significant role, with students gaining admission to prestigious and legacy institutions. Job seekers will find opportunities in well-known and respected organisations.

The Hierophant inspires you to deepen your learning and uphold your commitments to God and religion, emphasising the importance of teamwork. Cancer Knight of Cups: Invitations, opportunities and offers You could be the harbinger of new opportunities and offers especially those of a creative nature. Your creativity cup is brimming.

Travel could also be rewarding . Go for those busine.