Newswise — The saga of cancer treatment is marked by a relentless pursuit of effectiveness against a disease characterized by complexity and adaptability. While immunotherapy has opened new frontiers, the challenges posed by tumor diversity and immune evasion call for innovative solutions. The drive to achieve precision in targeting cancer's Achilles' heel without harming healthy tissue is propelling the exploration of neoantigen vaccines.

The Cell Biotechnology Laboratory and Department of Thoracic Oncology at Tianjin Cancer Hospital Airport Hospital, in synergy with the National Clinical Research Center for Cancer and Haihe Laboratory of Synthetic Biology, comes a review (DOI: 10.20892/j.issn.

2095-3941.2023.0395) on neoantigen cancer vaccines.

Scheduled for publication in Cancer Biology & Medicine on April 22, 2024, the work promises to illuminate the path forward in cancer immunotherapy with a spotlight on the highly specific engagement of the immune system against cancer cells. Advancing the battleground against cancer, this research meticulously details the development of neoantigen vaccines, a beacon of hope in personalized cancer therapy. These vaccines are custom-tailored to target the unique, non-synonymous mutations exclusive to cancer cells, identified through sophisticated genomic sequencing, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligent pipelines.

The study elucidates the meticulous process from neoantigen identification to the strategic formulation of vaccines de.