Actor-director Ranjith, who has acted in Tamil and Malayalam films since the early 90s, made a shocking statement defending honour killing. He spoke to the press post a screening of his recent directorial Kavundampalayam in Salem, Tamil Nadu on August 9 and said that ‘caste-based honour killing isn’t violence’. (Also Read: Suriya sustains a minor injury while shooting for Karthik Subbaraj's film: ‘He's perfectly fine’ ) Ranjith on honour killing According to India Today , Ranjith told the press that caste-based honour killing isn’t violence; it’s just the parents’ way of showing their love towards their children.

On August 9, the actor defended the heinous act and said, “Only parents know the pain. If a bike gets stolen, won’t we go see what has happened? Those parents for whom life is all about their children get angry and show it. It is not violence; it’s just their care for them.

” This isn’t the first time Ranjith has made such controversial statements. He once made comments about ‘women who wear short clothes’ and ‘dance in front of everybody’. His film Kavundampalayalam also addresses controversial topics like caste-based violence and parental control over children.

According to the publication, the trailer has a dialogue that goes, “Mannula vivasayam pannardhu mukkiyam illa, ponnula la vivasayam pannanum (It's not important to do farming in our lands, we've to impregnate women).” Internet reacts The internet was shocked to see someo.