A woman is under attack. A woman is always under attack. She is constantly harassed on social media.

Her identity is often stolen. Her rights are never fully given. There was a woman named Rose.

She wasn't very beautiful, but she was pleasant and friendly. One night, her ex-boyfriend attacked her. The police wouldn't believe her because Rose liked wearing short shorts, and it was her ex, anyway.

There was a girl named Rose. She was still youthful and naive. She had lost her father to another family, and her friend came to console her.

He consoled her for weeks, then attacked her for weeks. Nobody wanted to talk about it because the boy showed so much promise. "He got into UST.

His scores are so high. What a waste." Rose dropped out of a Catholic school that should have protected her.

She faded into oblivion. There was a woman named Rose. Her grandmother was a comfort woman during the war.

Now they are starving. Rose's mother sold her body at the tender age of ten. They are hungry again, so Rose sold her daughter at the tender age of ten.

Her name is also Rose. There was a woman named Rose. She worked a 9 to 5 and did Avon on the side.

Her husband paid the rent, but that was it. Rose paid all the bills and bought the food. She also took care of the children.

He never helped out because that was a woman's job. After a hard day at the site, he wanted to grab a beer and play basketball with the guys. There was a woman named Rose.

She climbed to the top and became a manager. Rumor.