Michael Walker wasn’t impressed when his mom announced the family was going to a place called Paradise where there was no TV or electronic games. “Sounds more like hell than Paradise,” the teen declared. That was more than 30 years ago, and Michael Walker quickly changed his tune.

His family has returned 13 times to Paradise Guest Ranch in the heart of the Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming. There is limited Wi-Fi and no TV, but families like that just fine, says co-owners Clay and Leah Miller.“We are surrounded by a million acres of Bighorn National Forest.

There is a lot of room to play,” said Clay Miller. If there isn’t good Wi-Fi or cell service,” noted Lisa Walbridge, here with her husband and two kids from Seattle, so her office can’t disrupt her vacation. She and her husband are already thinking of which friends might want to join them next time.

And with no one glued to their phones, added Clay Miller, “You see such chemistry between the families.” That includes former staff who return with their families and former guests who now are staff, like college student Lilly Bryant, whose older sisters have also worked here and whose family will come as guests later this summer. “I’ve grown up here,” she said.

“I have such good memories here.” This past visit, the Walker family – 21 strong, including the parents, Larry and Martha Walker, their four kids and spouses, 10 grandkids and four great- grandkids – gathered from Florida, Tennessee and.