Another art exhibition has opened in Revelstoke with vibrant colours entrenched in deep meaning lining the gallery's walls. The exhibition opened on Sept. 5, at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre.

When you enter the exhibition, you'll be enchanted by the flow of the artwork that pulls you in for a psychological narrative. "The Late Season" comes from artist, Meg Shaw. Her artist statement explains that her work explores "the psychological forces in relationships" and sifts "power dynamics based on physical relationships with ourselves, others and the environment.

" Shaw's work reflects on what it means to be clothed and how this concept varies based on the power dynamics that come with gender, age, and body type. "There is an uncomfortable interchange between exposure, expectation and being observed." Shaw draws inspiration for her work from a moment of introspection which saw her reflecting on her questioning feeling wrong for being "at home in her own body.

" "It's an untangling of the experience and consequence of growing up female, and a late realization that there is identity beyond the body." From being pulled into Shaw's psychological narratives, to the calming effect of taking in the "Inner Rainforest," Shelley L. Ross's work reminds viewers of the vast beauty found in the Inland Temperate Rainforest in Kaslo and the North Kootenay Lake area.

In her artist statement, Ross explained that sitting in temperate rainforests has become a favourite pastime of hers. During these.