A BRIDE and groom have been slammed for charging people £77 a head to attend their wedding dinner. And one guest revealed that she was in a "state of shock" after realising what she would be doing during the event. Taking to Reddit , the woman revealed that she was so happy when a wedding invitation arrived in the post as she loves weddings , and always gets "teary-eyed at the joy of new beginnings".

However, as the woman read the invitation, she became increasingly angry after realising that although her husband was actually invited to the ceremony, she would be in another room helping to look after the children with a number of other women. She revealed that she would still be required to buy a dress for the occasion, and pay the £77 fee for the meal, but would be spending the entire day babysitting the children. The woman was outraged as she revealed that she had been friends with the bride's mum since childhood.

She said that the bride is her unofficial goddaughter and even met the groom at a BBQ at the woman's house. She said: "Why would he be invited to watch the ceremony and be part of the reception but not me? "My husband said he'd happily watch the kids and let me attend the wedding and reception but the invitation specified that only a few other FEMALE invitees would be watching the kids so I doubt they'd let him. She continued: "It's just the pure audacity for me.

"They expect me to not only pay for a meal that I have to eat while watching kids ...

but also get t.