Nevada City, CA – When Labor Day weekend arrives in a few weeks, it will be the last time you’ll see the South Yuba River Citizen League (SYRCL)’s River Ambassadors in 2024, as this holiday wraps up the un-official “river season” at the South Yuba River. In the meantime, the program is still actively recruiting volunteers for weekend shifts from 10 am to 2 pm at Highway 49, Bridgeport, Edwards, and Purdon Crossings. SYRCL’s River Ambassador volunteers are stationed at the popular river crossings to be on-the-ground educators and a welcoming presence.

They provide visitors with trash bags, doggie bags, and valuable advice on safety and hiking trails. Their presence is not just about cleaning up; it’s about stressing river safety and fostering a culture of respect and responsibility towards the environment. As visitation to the Yuba has steadily increased over the years, the presence of SYRCL’s River Ambassadors has become more and more essential.

To find out how to volunteer for the remaining few shifts and help protect the places you love, head on over to SYRCL’s website at .

Since Memorial Day weekend, SYRCL’s River Ambassadors have counted 26,856 visitors coming to Bridgeport and 49 Crossings (with a couple of weekends stationed at Purdon and Edwards). Of those visitors, River Ambassadors spoke with 5,260 people, of whom 85% identified themselves as from out of town, and 737 said they were first time visitors to the Yuba. This kind of v.