Sylvester Stallone starred in a variety of action films after making Rocky . So, he was already a veteran by the time he was cast in this lesser-known sports movie. But in the process of getting the project made, it reminded him of what it was like to be an unknown again.

Sylvester Stallone felt ‘Driven’ took him back to his ‘Rocky’ days In 2001, Stallone released and starred in his passion project Driven . The film saw the Creed star play a veteran race car driver taking a young prodigy under his wing. The movie’s title was also appropriate given its journey to the big screen.

Stallone came up with the story and helped pen the script, which reminded the actor of making his breakthrough film Rocky . Similarly to the 1976 classic, Stallone also had trouble getting Driven made despite his A-list status. “It’s almost like starting out as an unknown, because you’re dealing with a project, racing, that a lot of people are wary of,” Stallone once told Female .

“There have been racing movies in the past, but they haven’t performed as well as say, football movies, so there’s a little hesitancy. So we had to start from scratch. In this day and age you can imagine how expensive it is for a race car film to be, so to put the whole thing together and do it within a very frugal budget, is pretty impossible.

” But Driven being so difficult to develop was a rewarding experience in itself. “Because it puts your life and soul in perspective, in that you realize that.