In a recent study published in Nature Climate Change , researchers investigate the global distribution of dietary greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across 139 countries using household expenditure data. The predict that adopting the EAT-Lancet planetary health diet could reduce global dietary emissions by 17%, with a significant proportion of this reduction coming from decreased red meat consumption. Study: Reducing climate change impacts from the global food system through diet shifts.

Image Credit: SunCity / How do food choices affect climate change? Food choices significantly impact both human health and the environment. High food consumption, particularly of animal-based products, is a major source of GHG emissions and has been linked to obesity and several non-communicable diseases.

Despite efficiency improvements in food production, GHG emissions continue to rise, thereby exacerbating climate change. Meanwhile, over 800 million people are estimated to face hunger, with many unable to afford a healthy diet. Previous research has highlighted the potential of healthier diets, like the planetary health diet developed by the EAT-Lancet Commission, to reduce GHG emissions and improve health outcomes.

However, additional research is needed to clarify how various demographic groups will be affected by these dietary shifts. About the study In the current study, researchers analyzed GHG emissions from diets across 139 countries in 2019. Data on 140 food products wer.