SWAT showrunner Andrew Dettman hints fan-favourite couple Jim Street (played by Alex Russell) and Christina Alonso (Lina Esco) could be tying the knot soon. Their engagement was teased with a tantalising remark from Street in last season’s finale, which was supposedly his final episode. After riding off on his motorcycle he promised Victor Tan (David Lim): “How’s this - Chris and I will have you over in a few weeks for the engagement party.

“Just don’t say anything yet, especially to Chris!” Street clearly has nuptials on the mind, despite the fact Alex’s co-star and on-screen girlfriend Lina said goodbye to the CBS drama back in season five. Alonso is now running a safe house for immigrant women, while Street is heading up his former boss’s SWAT team in Long Beach. While they’ve both moved on to exciting new ventures, showrunner Andrew is keeping the door open for them to return for an extra-special episode.

“You know, I would love to [do a wedding],” he told TVLine. “In our minds, Street and Chris are still very much part of the SWAT family.” There’s reportedly a chance Street star Alex will return to direct an episode of season eight, so he’s clearly still a pivotal cog in the SWAT machine.

However, the fact they’re no longer part of the cast may have some fans concerned the couple could get married off-screen with no actual appearance from the stars themselves. Thankfully, Alex has promised the pair won’t take their vows without the fans .