WHEN I look at Sven-Goran Erikson now, I see a much diminished man. A man reduced by terminal illness but also a man who, by his own admission, has had a good life. We first met in 2002, when I asked him for his autograph at a party held by Alastair Campbell , Tony Blair ’s spin doctor.

He replied to me in our native language Swedish, asking for my telephone number so he could call me. I was single at the time and he confided that he wanted to end his relationship with Nancy Dell’Olio because it was sapping him of energy . He then proceeded to call me every day when he went on holiday with Nancy, telling me I was beautiful and how much he wanted to see me.

When he returned, the day after his 54th birthday, he visited me and we slept together. READ MORE ON SVEN This was no great passionate affair. It was devoid of passion.

He had all this power and money yet he was the weakest man I have ever met. During our dalliance he was heading to his place in Portugal for the night between England games and asked me to join him. 'Giggling all the way' He said I should book myself on his flight and he would reimburse me.

I said no way, I pay my own way — I’ve never taken money from a man. It was a point of principle. Most read in Football We met in the Club Lounge at Heathrow , pretending we had just met, and sat next to each other on the flight almost giggling all the way.

He presented me with a blank cheque which he put in my pocket when I wasn’t looking Then we spent the nigh.