A Sussex high street has been named one of the best in the country. Chichester’s East Street was the eleventh-best high street in the UK according to research by American Express. The study, carried out with retail experts GlobalData, surveyed 2,000 consumers across Britain to pinpoint what they believe makes for a great high street, which was then combined with in-depth analysis to identify the top locations.

Factors such as an attractive mix of retailers topped shoppers’ wish list (67 per cent), with good parking a close second (62 per cent). Shoppers also prize independent pubs and restaurants, with over half (52 per cent) saying these make a high street “great”. Read more: Fury at plans to extend parking charges Map shows the best 25 high streets in the UK The magnetism of locations with ample entertainment and leisure options such as cinemas and theatres, was highlighted by over a third (36 per cent).

Proximity to a train station and green spaces were deemed as less important by shoppers. The research also revealed that almost three-quarters (73 per cent) of shoppers believe their local high street will remain important to their everyday lives in ten years’ time. Dan Edelman, general manager, UK merchant services at American Express, said: “Consumers continue to value our high streets and believe they will remain important well into the future.

While there is no one solution to guarantee ongoing success, it’s encouraging to see there are plenty of opportuni.