Police announced Monday they had made a significant breakthrough in the investigation of the gruesome murders in Kware, Mukuru slums, Nairobi, where several mutilated bodies had been discovered in a dump site. Director of Criminal Investigations Mohamed Amin is scheduled to hold a press conference on Monday, July 15, to provide updates on the case. Officials reported that the suspect was arrested Monday morning in Kayole, where he had been hiding.

The suspect’s residence is approximately 500 meters from the Kware dumpsite, where at least ten mutilated female bodies have been recovered. According to police, the suspect confessed to the serial killings. An officer described him as a psychopath.

Authorities tracked him to a house in Kayole, where he was allegedly attempting to lure another victim. A raid on the suspect’s house led to the recovery of ten mobile phones, seven identity cards, ten SIM cards, a panga, gloves, several sacks similar to those found with bodies at the dump site, and ropes. “We believe we have a key and prime suspect in the murder of people whose bodies have been found dumped in the Kware area,” said one officer involved in the investigation.

Detectives from DCI headquarters also tracked money withdrawn from the latest victims of the murders, considering these developments a breakthrough in the probe, which had raised concerns about extrajudicial killings. A mobile phone belonging to one of the victims, Josephine Owino, was recovered from the susp.